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The Play List – Pre-lan

2013-04-20_00001I´m still recovering from the shoulder injury from a few weeks ago. It´s not smart to rush recovery, so I took the time I needed. I did play this week, but I already feel my muscles when I play for several hours. Obviously, the more passive the game, the longer I can play.

Next weekend I’ll be at a lan party with my friends. I know most of them will be playing Modern Warfare 2, which I won’t. I can’t play any kind of shooter or first person game without getting a terrible headache after ten minutes. I do hope we can play some other games, like Magicka, Tower Wars, Dungeon Defenders, Impire or SimCity. If no one wants to play with me, I’ll probably try to finish Dragon Age or another RPG.

So what did I play?

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